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Q.T Ministry

QT(Quiet Time) Ministry
QT(Quiet Time) enables us to have an intimate relationship with God, to walk with the living Lord and see how He directs your daily life. By establishing a daily Quiet Time, you will become a fruitful disciple of Jesus Christ.
This ministry offers lectures on how to QT: when to do it, what to use for materials, and how to practically apply God’s Word in your everyday life. The lectures are given for churches and groups.
In “Seven Minutes With God” (by Robert Foster) a simple format is suggested to begin a  QT:
1. Start with a brief prayer to God for guidance.
2. Read the Bible for a few minutes.
3. Close with a short time of prayer that includes adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication for others (ACTS).
The Following People Can Give QT Seminars:
West Coast: Mrs. Eun Kim
President of QT Life Mission
714-871-8453, 714-393-6526
Seattle area : Mr. Dae Lim
East Coast: Mrs. Dong Park
347-689-4311 / (H) 646-286-0306